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WhatsApp for Business APIs

What can you do with this API?

Seamlessly send messages through WhatsApp with our API. Compose the text that needs to be sent out through WhatsApp and the message with images, audio & documents and delivers to the number.

How can I use this API?

1. Create your message

2. Trigger the API below with mandatory parameters

3. Your message will be sent to the WhatsApp number(s)

Supported Formats

This section explains the supported formats of the message. The following formats are only supported:

Maximum characters allowed are 4096 on a single trigger

The maximum file upload size is 64 MB

Type Format
template Text message only
text Maximum text message length of 4096 characters
image JPG, JPEG, PNG
document PDF, DOC(X), PPT(X), XLS(X) ,TXT
audio AAC, M4A, AMR, MP3, OGG, OPUS
contacts List of contacts
location Current or Map location
video .mp4

Mandatory API Parameters

Send Templates

Name Specification Expected Value
body Template for a single number {
"to": "wa-number",
"type": "template",
"template": {
"namespace": "unique namespace id",
"template_name": "order_delivered",
"lang_code": "en",
"params": ["{{value1}}", "{{value2}}"],
"ttl": "1"


For Text Messages

Name Specification Expected Value
method Predefined method wa
api_key API key generated from your account Alphanumeric Authentication key from your GMP account. This will be configured to validate account
from Valid registered WhatsApp number which is used for registration of the WhatsApp business account WhatsApp number

Callback response received upon sending a message

Parameters Description
callback http://example.com/callback?&id={id}&error={error}
id message id that you get upon sending the message
status failed, sent, delivered, read

read status can be attained only if the recipient enabled read receipts on WhatsApp
timestamp timeline of message status

For Multimedia

Name Specification Expected Value
caption While sending image or Document, should be able to add a caption to the file For images,

the caption will be added as description. The caption text appears in full length for images on both Android and iPhone

While sending image or Document, should be able to add a caption to the file

For documents,

the caption replaces the filename. It is not meant to be displayed on the user's device as description text but instead to show the name of the file

i Phones show the full text while Androids truncate the filename; this is technical limitation of the current implementation of WhatsApp on both devices
preview_url Url information will be previewed in the message Only for type : text
format Output response format json by default it will return json format
Can be changed to xml
ttl If the message is not delivered to the customer before the expiration period the message will expire and will not be delivered Min 86400 & Max 2592000
callback Callback response with status and timestamp http://example.com/callback?&status=READ&mobile=919xxxxxxxxx&timestamp=1542006912

Status types :

Timestamp: Unix time format
Mobile: Subscriber Mobile Number


WhatsApp requires the Business to obtain explicit opt-ins from their customers to deliver any message over WhatsApp to that customer.

Opt-ins could be as simple as the customer initiating a conversation with the business on WhatsApp or by explicitly agreeing to be messaged by the Business.

Sending any messages to the customer without their opt-in may result in suspension of the Whatsapp Business account.

NOTE: Text, Image, Audio, Video, Documents, Contacts & Location will be sent only if the customer initiates the first message to the business.

Send Messages

Name Specification Expected Value
body Text Message for a Single Number {
"to": "wa-number" ,
"type": "text",
"text": {
"message": "your-text-content"
"preview_url": true ,

Send Documents

Name Specification Expected Value
body Send document to a single number {
"to": "wa-number",
"type": "document",
"document": {
"caption": "caption_name"

Send Images

Name Specification Expected Value
body Send Image to a single number {
"to": "wa-number",
"type": "image",
"image": {
"caption": "caption_name"

Send Audios

Name Specification Expected Value
body sending a audio file to the WhatsApp number with the following formats
"to": "wa-number" ,
"type": "audio",
"audio": {
PHP Curl Snippet Description
File Upload File has to uploaded along with media messages (documents, images and audio)
For Example,
$cfile = new CURLFile(realpath('file path/What-is-an-API-1.0.pdf'));
$postdata = array(
=> $cfile,
'method' => 'wa',
'api_key' =>
'body' => '{"to":"91xxxxxxxxx", "type": "document", "document" : {"caption" : "Ok boss"},"callback":""}',
'from' => '91xxxxxxxxxx',
'format' => 'json'

Send Contacts

Name Specification Expected Value
body Contact {
"to": "["wa-number1"]"
"type": "contacts",
"contacts": [
"addresses": [
"city": "MessageContactAddressCity",
"country": "MessageContactAddressCountry",
"country_code": "MessageContactAddressCountryCode",
"state": "MessageContactAddressState",
"street": "MessageContactAddressStreet",
"type": "MessageContactAddressType",
"zip": "MessageContactAddressZip"
"birthday": "MessageContactBirthday",
"emails": [
"type": "MessageContactEmailType"
"ims": [],
"first_name": "MessageContactFirstName", "formatted_name": "MessageContactFormattedName",
"last_name": "MessageContactLastName"
"org": {
"company": "MessageContactCompany"
"phones": [
"phone": "MessageContactPhone",
"type": "MessageContactPhoneType"
"urls": []



Name Specification Expected Value
to Whatsapp registered mobile number with country code Mobile number with country codes, multiple numbers in an array separated by a comma
Number formats:

1. +919880X90XXX
2. 919880X90XXX
type type of message contact
street (optional) Street number and name ex: Menlo Park
city (optional) city name e.g: SanJose
state state abbreviation e.g: CA
zip zipcode e.g:94025
country Full country name e.g:United States
country_code Two-letter country abbreviation e.g: US
birthday Birthday
ex:YYYY-MM-DD formatted string
email Email address test@domain.com
Standard Email Validation
type Standard Values: HOME, WORKStandard Values: HOME, WORK WORK
first_name First name John
last_name Last name ex:Smith
formatted_name Full name as it normally appears ex:John Smith
company Name of the contact's company ex:WhatsApp
department Name of the contact's department ex:Design
title Contact's customer title ex:Manager
phone Automatically populated with the wa_id value as a formatted phone number EX:+1 (940) 555-1234
type Standard Values: CELL, MAIN, IPHONE, HOME, WORK HOME
wa_id WhatsApp ID 16505551234
url URL https://www.domain.com
type Standard Values: HOME, WORK WORK

Response Parameters

Status Specification Expected Value
status It indicates the success or failure of your API request. “OK” is success & others are error codes 1."OK"
message message based on the status code response 1.Submitted successfully
2.Your api account got suspended
3.Api Key not found"
3.Missing message
4.Insufficient credits
id Message sent id, after successful message sent for the given number Auto generated Alphanumeric id for the successful request
mobile Mobile number to which message has to be sent Subscriber Number to which message has to sent

Send Location

Name Specification Expected Value
body location {
"to": ["wa-number1"],
"type": "location",
"location": {
"longitude": "MessageLocationLongitude",
"latitude": "MessageLocationLatitude",
"name": "MessageLocationName",
"address": "MessageLocationAddress"

Post Body Location Parameters for Location API

Name Specification Expected Value
to Whatsapp registered mobile number with country code Mobile number with country codes, multiple numbers in an array separated by a comma
Number formats
1. +919880XXXXXX
2. +919880XXXXXX
type Type of message location
longitude Location longitude Valid Location longitude geographical values
latitude Location latitude Location latitude geographical values
name (optional) Location name Location name to be shown to the user
address (optional) Location address Location address

Error Codes for Location

Code Description
E616 Latitude missing
E617 Longitude missing

Body Mandatory Parameters

Name Specification Response Value
to WhatsApp registered mobile number with country code Mobile number with country codes, multiple numbers in an array separated by comma
1. +919880390XXX
2. 919880390XXX
type type of message text,audio,document,image
message Message content to deliver to the given WhatsApp number text message
file File type is supported for the message types document, audio and image.WhatsApp registered mobile number with country code Upload file which need be sent to given whatsapp number
preview_url Url information will be previewed in the message Only for type : text
namespace Unique id from the facebook business manager account Only for template message Unique id
template Template name generated in Whatsapps Manager Template name
policy The language policy the message should follow Options:
fallback, deterministic
lang_code The code of the language or locale to use — Accepts (e.g., en, and en_US)
Params This field is an array of values to apply to variables in the template.Created in the Whatsapps Manager (e.g., ["1", "2"])

Error Codes

Error Code Description
E504 File size exceeds 64 MB
E603 Missing template name

Inbound Message Notification

The following are the notification formats for text and multimedia messages for incoming WhatsApp Business API.

    "from": "919880XXXXXX",
    "id": "ABEGkZiAOQVVAhBWtt8x7Pi8qEZ7KVtbxxxxx",
    "profile": {
        "name": "John+Doe"
    "text": {
        "body": "Hello+world"
    "timestamp": "155XXX4769",
    "type": "text",
            "wa_number": "91998XXXXXX"


Inbound Message Notification


    [{ "from": "919880XXXXXX", "id": "ABEGkZiAOQVVAhBWtt8x7Pi8qEZ7KVtbxxxxx", "profile": { "name": "John+Doe" }, "text": { "body": "Hello+world" }, "timestamp": "155XXX4769", "type": "text", "wa_number": "91998XXXXXX" }]

  • Static Location Received

    [{ "from": "919880XXXXXX", "id": "ABEGkZiAOQVVAhBMT0kkDkjOnLXXXXXXXXXX", "location": { "latitude": 12.9038507, "longitude": 77.6012386 }, "profile": { "name": "John+Doe" }, "timestamp": "155XXX5728", "type": "location", }]

  • Contact Message Received

    [{ "contacts": [{ "addresses": [{ "city": "Menlo Park", "country": "United States", "country_code": "us", "state": "CA", "street": "1 Hacker Way", "type": "WORK", "zip": "94025" }], "birthday": "2012-08-18", "emails": [{ "email": "kfish@fb.com", "type": "WORK" }], "name": { "first_name": "Kerry", "formatted_name": "Kerry Fisher", "last_name": "Fisher" }, "org": { "company": "Facebook" }, "phones": [{ "phone": "+1 (940) 555-1234", "type": "CELL" }, { "phone": "+1 (650) 555-1234", "type": "WORK", "wa_id": "16505551234" } ], "urls": [{ "url": "https://www.facebook.com", "type": "WORK" }] }], "from": "16505551234", "id": "ABGGFlA4dSRvAgo6C4Z53hXXXXXX", "timestamp": "1537248012", "type": "contacts" }]

  • Contact Message Received

    [{ "contacts": [{ "addresses": [{ "city": "Menlo Park", "country": "United States", "country_code": "us", "state": "CA", "street": "1 Hacker Way", "type": "WORK", "zip": "94025" }], "birthday": "2012-08-18", "emails": [{ "email": "kfish@fb.com", "type": "WORK" }], "name": { "first_name": "Kerry", "formatted_name": "Kerry Fisher", "last_name": "Fisher" }, "org": { "company": "Facebook" }, "phones": [{ "phone": "+1 (940) 555-1234", "type": "CELL" }, { "phone": "+1 (650) 555-1234", "type": "WORK", "wa_id": "16505551234" } ], "urls": [{ "url": "https://www.facebook.com", "type": "WORK" }] }], "from": "16505551234", "id": "ABGGFlA4dSRvAgo6C4Z53hXXXXXX", "timestamp": "1537248012", "type": "contacts" }]

  • Inbound Media Message Notification

    [{ "from": "919880XXXXXX", "id": "ABEGkZiAOQVVAhA9eaq6tnV1VW0FmNbcyXSs", "profile": { "name": "John+Doe" }, "timestamp": "1551165144", "type": "image", "wa_number": "91998XXXXXXX", "url": "https:\/\/global.kaleyra.com\/wa\/downloadlink?id=EBf9zV+01MC\/TdqATWxcRGc0uTxKXuoH\/Lvs5Du0P\/+veQsUdVf8acLGC9jNGtW2tPo\/GD\/vRLIUH7eU963mEtoLwIhNcp9DNX8pC5EsdqlbArnR5USKDuxqpeXcPa+9sa2nhz0Z2vRUHnIgk\/i5d\/s0V86wjpAjCrl9vV6jRAXDsmiAV25D7tASW+pLamZ5" }]


    [{ "from": "919880XXXXXX", "id": "ABEGkZiAOQVVAhBp5LSHh4axOvA2PqC0EEkX", "profile": { "name": "John+Doe" }, "timestamp": "1551165771", "type": "document", "wa_number": "919986XXXXXX", "url": "https:\/\/global.kaleyra.com\/wa\/downloadlink?id=EBf9zV+01MC\/TdqATWxcRGc0uTxKXuoH\/Lvs5Du0P\/+veQsUdVf8acLGC9jNGtW2tPo\/GD\/vRLIUH7eU963mEtoLwIhNcp9DNX8pC5EsdqlbArnR5USKDuxqpeXcPa+9tZqhGH0BQWCxze" }]

  • Message with Voice Message Received

    [{ "from": "919880390555", "id": "ABEGkZiAOQVVAhCIibgCFeEWIQ54XO56u_rH", "profile": { "name": "JOhn+Doe" }, "timestamp": "1551165748", "type": "audio", "wa_number": "919986XXXXXX", "url": "https:\/\/global.kaleyra.com\/wa\/downloadlink?id=EBf9zV+01MC\/TdqATWxcRGc0uTxKXuoH\/Lvs5Du0P\/+veQsUdVf8acLGC9jNGtW2tPo\/GD\/vRLIUH7eU963mEtoLwIhNcp9DNX8pC5EsdqlbArnR5USKDuxqpeXcPa+9OkwH9CHw3eH5heb9xli6GHqkS\/GPT7t4q4yg7sx1wBAD5UTddCmaUv\/hWoXEue38" }]

POST Send Template


BODY Format
method wa
api_key AXXXXXXX71b8cef13c491656bXXXXXXX
body { "to": customer number, "type": "template", "template": { "namespace": "XXXX5086_XXX8_c216_cd8d_166XXXXXXe6d", "template_name": "text_template", "policy": "deterministic", "lang_code": "en", "params": ["1"], "ttl": "86400" }, "callback": "http://example.com/callback?" }
from wa business number
format json

POSTSend Media Template


BODY Format
method wa
api_key AXXXXXXX71b8cef13c491656bXXXXXXX
body {"to": "customer number", "type": "mediatemplate", "template": { "namespace": "XXXX5086_XXX8_c216_cd8d_166XXXXXXe6d", "template_name": "media", "lang_code": "en", "params":{ "header": ["1"] "body" : ["1"] }, "ttl": 86400 }, "callback": "http://example.com/callback?" }
If you have any dynamic value in the header or body, pass it under the header or body variable respectively.
from wa business number
file @filepath
mandatory (format: ".pdf, .jpeg and .png")
format json

POSTSend Text Message


BODY Format
method wa
api_key AXXXXXXX71b8cef13c491656bXXXXXXX
body { "to": customer number, "type": "text", "preview_url": true, "callback": "http://example.com/callback?", "text": { "message": "new tezt, https://www.google.com" } }
If you have any dynamic value in the header or body, pass it under the header or body variable respectively.
from wa business number

POSTSend Image


BODY Format
method wa
api_key AXXXXXXX71b8cef13c491656bXXXXXXX
body { "to":"customer number", "type": "image", "image" : {"caption" : "Welcome to Kaleyra"}, "callback":"http://example.com/callback?" }
If you have any dynamic value in the header or body, pass it under the header or body variable respectively.
from wa business number
format json

POSTSend Document


BODY Format
method wa
api_key AXXXXXXX71b8cef13c491656bXXXXXXX
body { "to":"customer number", "type": "document", "document" : {"caption" : ""}, "callback":"http://example.com/callback?" }
file mandatory

POSTSend Audio File


BODY Format
method wa
api_key AXXXXXXX71b8cef13c491656bXXXXXXX
body {"to": customer number,"type": "audio","audio" : {}, "callback":"http://example.com/callback?"}
file mandatory
format json

POSTShare a Contact


BODY Format
method wa
api_key AXXXXXXX71b8cef13c491656bXXXXXXX
body { "to": customer number, "type": "contacts", "contacts": [ { "addresses": [ { "city": "bangalore", "country": "India", "country_code": "91", "state": "Karnataka", "street": "5th Main", "type": "Home", "zip": "560061" } ], "birthday": "08-09-19xx", "emails": [ { "email": "johndoe@gmail.com", "type": "Email" } ], "ims": [], "name": { "first_name": "John", "formatted_name": "l", "last_name": "Doe" }, "org": { "company": "Kaleyra" }, "phones": [ { "phone": "890464xxxx", "type": "Work" } ], "urls": [] } ] }
format json

POSTShare Location


BODY Format
method wa
api_key AXXXXXXX71b8cef13c491656bXXXXXXX
body { "to":customer number, "type": "location", "location": { "longitude": "77.601237", "latitude": "12.903911", "name": "Test location", "address": "world" } }
format json
multiple { "to":["customer number", "918892174341"], "type": "location", "location": { "longitude": "77.601237", "latitude": "12.903911", "name": "Test location", "address": "world" } }

POSTSend Video

What can you do with this API?

Seamlessly send messages with videos through WhatsApp with our API. Compose the text that needs to be sent out through WhatsApp and the message with videos gets delivered to the number.

How can I use this API?

1. Create your message with the video file

2. Trigger the API below with mandatory parameters

3. Your message will be sent to the WhatsApp number(s)

Supported Formats

This section explains the supported formats of the message. The following formats are only supported :


1. Registered WhatsApp Business Number

2. "To" Mobile Number who has already opted in/regsitered

3. Global API Key

4. Message and a video file

Parameter Name Mandatory / Optional Description Expected Values
method Mandatory Predefined method wa
api_key Mandatory API key generated from your account Alphanumeric Authentication key from your GMP account. This will be configured to validate the account.
from Mandatory Valid registered WhatsApp number which is used for registration of the customer account. WhatsApp number
format Optional Output response format XML/JSON
by default, it should return JSON format
Can be changed to XML
video {
"to": "wa-number",
"type": "video",
"video": {
"caption": "caption_name"


Parameter Name Mandatory / Optional Description Expected Values / Validation
to Mandatory Whatsapp registered mobile number with country code Mobile number with country codes, multiple numbers in an array separated by a comma.
Number formats
1. +919880390XXX
2. 919880390XXX
type Mandatory Type of message video
caption Optional Video message caption Caption the video where users should be able to know what this video for.
Ex: Welcome to Kaleyra
callback Optional Callback API to get the status of the request Callback URL with parameters
File format Mandatory File format Format: MP4
File size Mandatory File size The maximum filesize 64 MB.


Content-Type : - application/x-www-form-urlencoded

BODY formdata
method wa
api_key AXXXXXXX71b8cef13c491656bXXXXXXX
body { "to": customer number, "type": "video", "video": { "caption": "Welcome to Kaleyra" }, "callback":"http://example.com/callback?" }
file @filepath
Video Format .mp4 (Video Codec H.264 and Audio Codec AAC)
from wa business number
format json

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